
Topic: New exchange looking for beta testers (Read 1308 times)

hero member
Activity: 548
Merit: 502
So much code.
At first glance, this exchange seems to have the most logical, well-documented API page of any out there. I especially appreciate the auth_token aspect of this. It is nice that username+password isn't required with each transaction to the API.
Activity: 13
Merit: 0
My cofounder and I are in the final stages of launching another BTC exchange ("Yet Another Bitcoin Exchange" (TM))

We are looking for about 10-15 active beta testers to get feedback. During this period we're using FAKE money in the accounts so you can trade without fear.  If all goes well, we'd like to move forward with real money trading for the same small private group.

Ideally, you are someone who general makes several trades a day. We would love to get API users/day traders/bot writers in on this early testing and private trading period.

We realize there are a lot of choices for exchanges.  Some of the distinguishing characteristics of

  • maker-taker fee structure (initially, will likely change): Maker: 0.25% of transaction amount. Taker: 0.45% of transaction amount.  The Maker is the side that added liquidity to the order book (i.e. submit an order that does NOT cross an existing order). The Taker is the side that transacted against an existing public bid or offer.
  • Minimum price increments: The smallest increment of BTCUSD has been set to 0.05 USD.  The intent here is to make it easier to view orderbooks and to consolidate volume at price levels.  This will hopefully provide greater depth and stability for BTC.

Additionally, like many other exchanges, we have an API for data requests and order entry via GET/POST, and plans for other contracts beyond BTC <--> USD spot.

The registration process is restricted to users with a registration key since we'd like to limit the initial class of users.  If this is something you are interested in, please get in touch, and lets chat to see if this is a fit for you.

E-mail   [email protected]
Phone   +1 (336) 939-8888
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