I want to invest in some coins but want to learn the best way to do this.
Now ofcourse we all know the saying buy low sell high but how do I know when its low when its always going up like its doing now.
Also somebody once told me that you have to look to the marketcap of a coin to see if the coin is worth throwing money at.
Could somebody just give me some basic rules or tips what to look for and what to do and what not.
Thankyou in advance.
If there already excists a topic like this please let me know so I can check that one out.
The basic tip that I can give you to know when it's low is to look for the chart of that coin you want to buy. It is easy to say that it's been down if the line is on the down curve. You can easily say that it's been down after it came from a pump. If you have analyzed that it's already down, take your time to decide to buy it. The color indication is also a basic tip to look at if it's bleeding for a day or two or even a week, sometimes it happens.