What's the incentive for someone to buy a product,which costs 1898 euro from your Amazon wishlist?
Getting a discount or getting paid with BTC?
Will the buyer receive the product or he has to send the product to you?
There's something sketchy about this offer,but I'm glad that you don't mind using an escrow/middleman.
Purse.io was about to shutdown in 2020,but the company got acquired by another company,so they survived.
AFAIK,Purse.io is mostly about buying physical gift cards on Amazon,if your Purse.io account is new.I think that you can unlock the feature of buying other items on Amazon and getting paid in BTC after a few successful gift card deals,but the rates aren't that good.
Some people can buy Amazon products at preferential prices, and they hope to get BTC, so come back and help us buy the products we want.