its so weird the rig worked for couple of weeks smooth with powertune+20! it means that the psu should do the job right? now when i'm on zero it crashes!
please help..
forgot to mention. when the rig crash, i can't power it on i need to unplug the AC and plug it again. and the motherboard lid is still on after the crash.
It's not that weird. If memory serves me right, than at stock values a single R9 290 eats about 330w-350w, 2 of those will make it 660w-700w and when you add cpu, mobo and ram on top of it you exceed the limits of your PSU. A quality PSU can provide more power than it lists as, but it's not meant to exceed its limit for long periods of time (weeks in your case).
I can't say for sure if your PSU is toast, but try undervolting your R9 290 with stock clock speeds and see what you get.
A really conservative settings I used to have were 911/1250 with voltage down to 1.023v, those gave me like 225w per card but hashed at like 800KH/s.
thank you my friend. it seems i need to change my PSU.
i tried now your settings and i get around 700KH/s. maybe i can push it to 750? what would you change to make it stable
I suggest for you to set back the voltage to its original value and than play with the core and mem speeds, once find KH/s you like, start undervolting. You could always go the reverse route if you wish - set a certain voltage (never set it above stock!) and than find the optimal core/mem clock speeds that give you the most KH/s.
You can start by trying mine: 1015/1250 with 1.070v - those give me 900KH/s with 275w usage.
But I wanna emphasize again that if you got different memory type (Elpida or HynixMFR) than my clock speeds would probably net you different results, most likely worse so you'll need to do some trial and error until you find the sweet spot.