Bitcoin Forum > Bitcoin > Development & Technical Discussion > Academic Paper>
Then I volunteered to be the moderator.
The title of each topic must start with the exact name of the published paper to enable quick search. "Unpublished work" I think better send to conference for expert review or other sub-forum.
E.g. CoinShuffle: Practical Decentralized Coin Mixing for Bitcoin
Followed by author name etc.
Limitation: Discussion is limited /related to the title of the paper only. Unrelated comment may be deleted.
target for reader/audience: When they read the comment given by the topic, they can speed up their understand on a particular paper.
In this way, audience and find out each academic contribution and how is it related to bitcoin/altcoin implementation or proposal.
Think you might find more than a few people would be suportive of that idea, but you might have trouble finding the balance between toning down on technical complexity and simple comprehension, while maintaining quality.