I can't because of my funds. 2 GTX 1070 costs about 1000 dollars while 4 GTX 1050 ti costs 600-650 dollars. I am waiting a bit more before taking the decision as every card is going down in revenue in a day. I am waiting for newer cards to see if they are any good and if they can do for example 50 mhs for a card in ethereum I will get one of those even if the price will be expensive.
Ho wow you are right did not expect the 1070 to be that much now... i got my 1080 ti's for less xd
Anyways from what i have heard Rx Vega is not gone be anywhere close to that (might be wrong ofc)
Those are the only other Gpu's confirmed at this point for this year.
And Volta (20** series of Nvidia) slated for somewhere in early to mid 2018
I will wait for the RX Vega and see how it will go in the mining world. Will wait results from people here. I believe Nvidia will be providing us with some really strong cards so better to wait for them. I am too confused now, I will buy the GTX 1050 ti and where it goes, it goes. I think the bitcoin price will go up and will make up for me in the end of this year or early next year. I can sell the cards for about 100 dollars in the end of this year and be ready for Nvidia new production next year.