
Topic: Help me liberate bitcoins from my Android Phone (Read 3270 times)

full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100

I think I figured it out...

At first I just don't think the blockchain was up to speed even though it said it was...

When I copied the bitcoin address of my phone and texted it to my pc and sent .1 btc from my pc it said the address was invalid.  I tried again a few hours later and it worked.

Then, when I went to send, from the phone back, the app has where you enter the amount, and optional
fee... which i think was .0005
So I was trying to send .2 back out, leaving the fee on.. and it kept telling me an error msg) problem with payment.

So I tried sending out .1995 instead of .2 and THAT worked instantly...

I thought the app would deduct the fee on it's own but it doesn't.. so that might be what is messing up some people. Deduct the transaction fee yourself or turn it off.

hero member
Activity: 530
Merit: 500
I would copy the address and send it to my pc and try to send some bitcoins to the phone it would say it was invalid.  A few got lost.

What said what was invalid? It should be impossible for coins to get lost this way. However, you might have a few transactions that will either never be sent (but the coins won't get lost) or at least take a very long time.
full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
I don't do auto updates on anything anymore because I have found the inverse of what you are saying to sometimes be true.  I had a couple of GREAT apps that were destroyed in upgrades, so I turned off all auto updating.  Non ad apps got ads added and features removed.. or new bugs.. ect.  I wait before upgarding versions to make sure everything is stable. At least in the android world.

I have version 1.31 and for a while, even though it said I was at 100% sync, when I would copy the address and send it to my pc and try to send some bitcoins to the phone it would say it was invalid.  A few got lost.

A lot of people post great reviews on things they like as well, so I am not so sure about your only the broken people post theory.

The bitcoin client itself should support the scan thing so you can easily send to computer or phone and phone / computer.

hero member
Activity: 530
Merit: 500

Maybe we are using different versions of software or app here. What exact APP and version number are you using?

I have had issues with it.  It worked smoothly a few times...  a few .1 transactions disappeared into the great nothing from the never ending story.  I was just sending a few .1 btc back and forth to test it, and a lot of other people have complained so I don't know what the variance is causing the trouble... but it's not working smoothly for a lot of people according to reviews.

I'm using Bitcoin Wallet and, of course, always the latest version.

(In Bitcoin, sending small amounts back and forth to yourself is seldom a good idea since it looks like spam to the system. You might end up in a situation where, if you don't add large fees, your transactions won't go through for a long time)

With regards to complaints, remember than when things work no one bothers to post. Reviews are thus always skewed.
full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100

Maybe we are using different versions of software or app here. What exact APP and version number are you using?

I have had issues with it.  It worked smoothly a few times...  a few .1 transactions disappeared into the great nothing from the never ending story.  I was just sending a few .1 btc back and forth to test it, and a lot of other people have complained so I don't know what the variance is causing the trouble... but it's not working smoothly for a lot of people according to reviews.
hero member
Activity: 530
Merit: 500
The android app is buggy and slow and you better have a big sd card in there and a good wifi connection....
don't bother trying to use it well on just 3g the blockchain is always lagging behind.

"The android app" has been working perfectly for a lot of people, myself included, doesn't use up more than a tiny part of my normal sized SD card and no matter if I'm on 3G in Europe or on Wifi has the blockchain ever lagged behind.

"just 3g" btw? Which version would that be? Currently I'm on HSPA where the network can do 21MBit/s although my Android mobile tops out at 14.

full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
The android app is buggy and slow and you better have a big sd card in there and a good wifi connection....
don't bother trying to use it well on just 3g the blockchain is always lagging behind.

full member
Activity: 142
Merit: 100
If you run in any trouble press Menu - About - Scroll down to the bottom and select "Reset Blockchain / Transactions" and confirm with "Reset Transactions and Blockchain" (don't worry, your wallet won't be touched).

After that, close the app and reopen. The blockchain and balance will be updated once again, this could take a while, so be patient.

If that is still not working for you, i suggest you post at this thread:

Let us now, if this solved your problem.
full member
Activity: 214
Merit: 100
So where is the wallet stored on the android phone? I'm using file expert app but can't find it.
hero member
Activity: 530
Merit: 500
Yeah, I keep getting force close messages when resetting the block chain, and I cannot free up my .5 BTC.  Where is the wallet data stored?  I would like to take the wallet from my phone and reinstall the app.
Activity: 61
Merit: 10
Yeah, I keep getting force close messages when resetting the block chain, and I cannot free up my .5 BTC.  Where is the wallet data stored?  I would like to take the wallet from my phone and reinstall the app.

And yes... haha I did search the device from the mass storage screen on my windows machine.
Activity: 924
Merit: 1004
Firstbits: 1pirata
on my android?  I have used the windows search

hehe, he probably used the search on the removable drive that shows up when you plug in the phone
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1280
May Bitcoin be touched by his Noodly Appendage
on my android?  I have used the windows search
Activity: 924
Merit: 1004
Firstbits: 1pirata
hey don't uninstall the app, if you're using andreas schildbach Bitcoin wallet just go to About in menu and scroll down to Reset the Blockchain menu. If it gives you lots of FC's you should consider giving a report to author with you phone model and other info
Activity: 61
Merit: 10
Where is the wallet.dat file on my android?  I have used the windows search and tried looking into all my folders, and I cannot locate it.
full member
Activity: 238
Merit: 100
copy off the wallet.dat and run it on a desktop
Activity: 88
Merit: 10
Congratulations, you now have an infinite coin = Tongue
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1280
May Bitcoin be touched by his Noodly Appendage
Backup your wallet, reinstall completely the app, put your wallet again and prey
Activity: 61
Merit: 10
Greetings all. 

I installed Andreas' Bitcoin Wallet to my phone and transferred 1 BTC to the Android's wallet.  This went just fine, and it was confirmed.

I then transferred .5 BTC from my Android wallet to another address of mine.  This transaction DID go through and it has been confirmed for some time now, HOWEVER, it never gets confirmed on my phone and thus my whole balance on my phone is locked up.

I receive many process errors with this app, and all I am trying to do is maybe re download the chain or safely re install the app to attempt to retrieve the other half of my Bitcoin that is on my phone.


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