Column B is Current Price: $8800
And so on, and feel free to change the column labels appropriately. What would the formula be to show profit/loss?
Thank you for sharing your skills!
No. Volume bought is not 0.02325581.
0.02325581 was the rise factor. Anyhow, let's make it in spreadsheet (beware, I fill at some point D3 before C3)
A1: Date
B1: Bitcoin price
C1: Worth of my BTC
D1: My amount of BTC
E1: Profit
A2: date of buying
B2: 8600
C2: 500
D2: =C2/B2
A3: date now
B3: 8800
D3: =D2
C3: =B3*D3
E3: =C3-C2
Edit: it should result something like this:
Thanks for sharing. You made it easy!