PhoenixMiner.exe -pool ssl:// -pool2 ssl:// -wal 0x30000000000000000000000000000000.worker1
ssl:// You may have forgotten this.
Use my BAT file and everything will work for you.
I already forgot how to configure the Bat file for Windows
Unfortunately I already tried ssl before, tried your bat as well, no luck. Thanks anyway. Actually I think I tried every possible variation of commands for Phoenix. I also tried disabling AV and firewall, although I made rules with exceptions for miner, tried connecting to another network, still seems like any of the ethermine ports dont work. Ethermine wont even start making DAG (it says connected with green letters but thats it) no error messages just stays like that, Tested hiveon, nanopool, sparkpool, ezil, it all works just fine (my oc is mild, not pushing gpus hard, mild underclock and undervolt, memory untouched just tighter timings - temps 65c, vents around 50%), tried with cards on stock values too, but even on those pools there is time (every 20mins, sometimes 30-40) there is a line DEVFEE which changes current pool temporarily to ethermine, my guess is that Phoenixminer's devs charge that little bit of fee through ethermine and my miner still just stops ,window is there, doesnt close, it doesnt freeze its responsive, no error message just stays like that, as I wrote on my 1st post I have to use timer set to 20mins to have miner active. rmode command doesnt help either, because its restarts miner when gpu stops responding, and this seems like network issue which is seriously messing with my head for a month, just doesnt make sense. I can still mine, its just every 20mins I lose 30-40 secs when timer resets while gpus "warm up" that I dont have to lose if I solve this... I dont even mine on ethermine, its that devfee hangs my miner through ethermine, I'm currently using this:
"C:\PhoenixMiner_5.5c_Windows\PhoenixMiner.exe" -pool stratum1+tcp:// -proto 2 -wal 0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.zilxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -worker DusanSilni -rxboost 1 -epsw x -tstop 70
Full path with quotes bc of admin rights needed to use rxboost command (and other memory timing related commands like mt)
This is my timer:
@echo off
start "EZIL.bat" "EZIL.bat"
timeout /t 1200 >null
taskkill /f /im "PhoenixMiner.exe" >null
timeout /t 7 >null
goto loop
For now this is the only way I can mine without interruptions, and I dont feel like formatting bc I use this Pc regularly (yeah its not a rig, just gaming pc with 2x580), just tossed in another 580 8gb (already had one) sometimes I just mine with 2nd gpu when Im gaming, made a little case mod custom fan holder with magnets because top gpu was taking heat from bottom one.