[1] https://bitcoinfees.21.co/
[2] https://www.viabtc.com/tools/txaccelerator/
50 satoshi / byte will take multiple days to confirm and simply isn't viable at the current time unless you don't care when your transaction confirms. I quoted 200 satoshi/byte which was the current fee for your transaction to be included in the next block. Of course if you have the time to wait, you wouldn't need to use the highest fee, but if you are in a hurry or are waiting on a time sensitive transaction, you will want to. Electrum's Dynamic Fee feature should let you know an average of how many blocks it will take to confirm so you can weigh the time versus fee size according to your own preferences. Just keep in mind that the Dynamic Fees default checkbox isn't working correctly in version 2.7.18 and will have to be unchecked and rechecked until they release 2.7.19
Via's accelerator still works without an issue. Yes it is slightly overused now but they only allow 100 transactions to be submitted per hour to help prevent it from being overloaded with too many transactions.