A while ago I manage to break a disk with some bitcoins.
Fortunately, I copied some info to a safe place. But I didn't write what is any of the strings, who needs comments, right?
(bloody past self)
Not sure if what I wrote down is enough to recover the money. This is it:
# Replacing every alphanumeric character by "random" letters
# (for obvious reasons) ((except the first ones that might help for identification))
(I managed to figure out this one is the address \o/)
Need some help to identify which one is the public key, which one the private, and how I can use importpubkey and importprivkey. And if they are encrypted somehow, how to decrypt them. (If that is the case, hopefully I used some password that I still remember)
Try this:
Go to bitaddress.org (or better run it offline), click on "wallet details" and I'm out the bunch of numbers that are not your address.
Let me know if it worked