Hi all,
I really need some help configuring Asus prime z270-a with 6 amd 580’s! I’ve looked everywhere
With no success. So far had 5 of the 6 working and now I’m at a loss.. surely people have had this working??
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
What have you tried so far? It's hard to help you without more details.
If you haven't done this yet, start putting the GPUs in one by one. Put one in, turn on, check, turn off. Put next one in, turn on, check, turn off. Repeat until all are in and see if all cards work fine.
Once you've done this and all cards work, put one card in, turn on, check, turn off, put second card in and so on until all 6 cards are in simultaneously. And see if that works. If it doesn't check when additional cards stop working and try changing the order.