Hi guys, I am new to this forum and I am looking to test out a few (5-10) avalon 741 at the house before I decide to expand into a warehouse.
Heres my question for you experts
I am looking to use the APW3++ for the PSU but I only have 110v plugs at the house. On the site it says that it will work on 110v but with a max of 1200 watts.
Will this be enough to run the avalons? On canaan.io it says that it uses only 1150 watts but suggest that I get a 1300 watt psu.
So for you guys who have been mining for a long time please help me figure this out for a house test run.
My plans are to expand to a warehouse with 100 miners running in the near future but I want to see how well these miners run. Originally I planned to buy 10 antminer s9's but they are currently sold out at bitmain's website.
Will these avalons run fine using only 1200 watts from my 110v outlets?
Anyone with experience please chime in. I know the obvious choice is to get a electrician and just wire some new outlets to handle 220v but it is too much work for my place and this is only a temperary setup so the 220v would be useless after this test phase.
Again thanks you guys!