He indicated that he had purchased a dedicated IP address so there shouldn't be an issue of multiple users trying to listen on the same port.
I don't remember the way the bitcoin client behaves atm, but I would think it doesn't give away your actual IP address when connecting out thru tor or a vpn.
That simply means his 'dedicated' IP is irrelevant once the vpn starts up.
edit: I read 'dedicated' from his above comments as meaning his actual IP address. Not the IP address of his vpn server. If the latter is correct, I want to know that vpn provider!
Firstly thanks for the advice
By dedicated i mean my VPN (PureVpn.com) provides me with a dedicated ip address, as part of my package (not my own IP) and i also purchased a nat firewall which was ment to allow incoming connections. i actually told them it was to run a bitcoin node and they thought it should work fine. they also accept bitcoin as payment by the way.
I stand corrected. That's an exceptional vpn by the look of it.
High end price, but not much more than the one I use (expressvpn), so I've made a note to check it out when my sub runs out.
What's the bandwidth like?
Back to your problem then ...
I don't think I'd rely on that listener.exe. I'd try to connect directly from another computer (outside of your vpn).
Do you have telnet or netcat? Just telnet
You should be told it connected. If so, that confirms your client is running on the right port, using the dedicated address, port forwarding is working etc.
If that connects and still no incoming connections, the problem probably lies with the ip address your client is broadcasting. I don't remember how this particular client works now, but iirc there's a config option for this to be specified.