
Topic: Help with setting up a Blockchain using Smart contract/Multichain etc (Read 285 times)

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I have had an interest in the Blockchain technology for over a year. I am looking to implement Blockchain for an Indentiity Management project but am not sure of what the exact steps are? What skills do I need ? And is there a way to leverage some of it. I have looked at Smart contract, Multichain, IBM Blockchain etc. all of them seem to satisfy the requirement but I am still not clear on what I need and how can I piece this together. I will try to summarise my project below
1. Registration which will create an Identity on the Blockchain using Public prvate key pairs on a Permissioned Blockchain
2. Adding storage documents on the site using GPG keys

and am hoping to answer:
1. What infrastructure requirements do I need for this. My own research says I need Ubuntu /Linux and 4 servers associated with this as a minimum to do the Blockchain. However, once unix is up is there a step by step to get the Blockchain started. I used Multichain and was able to get the initial BC on the first and second server but then I had incoming port issues, and the Multichain itself was unstable.
2. How can I integrate and use GPG so that the documents are uploaded via a secure key?
3. What language requirements do I need - Smart contracts uses solidity, Multichain is more an utility to get the Blockchain up and running but tbh found it very flaky.
3. Sould I use PoS/POW as this is a permissioned Blockchain
4. What UI can I use so that it is visible to an end user.  I know there are some APIs available for blockchain explorer and they would help to sn dthe request through and get the info but to the user they would ideally like to see for example their photograph rather than characters on the Blockchain explorer API.
5. Crypto that I might have missed out because this has to be a secured environment.
6. Anything else that might be of interest.

Thanks to all for your help in answering the above in advance.

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