Thank you very much for your suggestions raganius and EbonHawk, could you please PM me for an explanation on how to collect your tip?
Can I ask you to give me an hand once again to validate our whitepaper translation?
As before I need to check that this few randomly selected paragraph; translated from our fellow Peercoin portuguese translator are correct and clearly understandable for native Portuguese speakers. It is a routine check to ensure the quality of the translations.
I would like if you could just quote each paragraph and if correct for you just write under it
VALID if clearly understandable for you.
I will write the Portuguese translation followed by the english original text.
A tip of 5 PPC will be donated to the first one that will reply to this post for the validation.Number 1Descobrimos de forma independente ambos os conceitos (Proof-Of-Stake e idade da moeda) em Outubro de 2011, altura em que nos apercebemos que o proof-of-stake pode substituir a maioria das funções de proof-of-work, com um redesenho mais aperfeiçoado da criação e modelo de segurança da Bitcoin.
We independently discovered the concept of proof-of-stake and the concept of coin age in October 2011, whereby we realized that proof-of-stake can indeed replace most proof-of-work’s functions with careful redesign of Bitcoin’s minting and security model.Number 2 No nosso desenho, os objetos do hash de proof-of-work e proof-of-stake são ajustados constantemente, ao invés do que ocorre na Bitcoin, que acontece a cada duas semanas, por forma a evitar alterações bruscas da taxa de geração na rede.
In our design both proof-of-work hash target and proof-of-stake hash target are adjusted continuously rather than Bitcoin’s two-week adjustment interval, to avoid sudden jump in network generation rate.Number 3 Um novo processo de criação de moeda é introduzido pelos blocos proof-of-stake para além dos blocos de criação de moeda proof-of-work da Bitcoin. O bloco proof-of-stake cria moedas com base na idade da moeda consumidas na transação de coinstake. A criação de moeda à taxa de 1 cêntimo da moeda por ano-moeda consumida é escolhida para dar origem a uma baixa taxa de inflação no futuro.
A new minting process is introduced for proof-of stake blocks in addition to Bitcoin’s proof-of-work minting. Proof-of-stake block mints coins based on the consumed coin agein the coinstake transaction. A mint rate of 1 cent per coin-year consumed is chosen to give rise to a low future inflation rate.
Thank you, again GLock!