Hi everyone, sorry to speak in english in your Romanian forum but I am here for some help from native Romanina speakers.
I am part of the Peercoin community and I am seeking help validating translations for our Peerunity client that is our community based Peercoin wallet.
I need to check that this few randomly selected paragraph; translated from our fellow Peercoin Romanian translator are correct and clearly understandable for native Romanian speakers. It is a routine check to ensure the quality of the translations.
I would like if you could just quote each paragraph and if correct for you just write under it
VALID if clearly understandable for you.
I will write the Romanian translation followed by the English original text.
A tip of 5 PPC will be donated to the first one that will reply to this post for the validation.
Number 1Alege subdiviziunea implicită la afişarea interfeţei şi la trimiterea de monede
Choose the default subdivision unit to show in the interface, and when sending coinsNumber 2Ștergeți adresa selectată din listă. Doar adresele de expediere pot fi șterse.
Delete the currently selected address from the list. Only sending addresses can be deleted.Number 3Acestea sunt adresele tale de Peercoin pentru a primi plăți. Poți să dai fiecărui expeditor o adresă diferită pentru a putea urmări cine te plătește.
These are your Peercoin addresses for receiving payments. You may want to give a different one to each sender so you can keep track of who is paying you.Thank you in advance for your help, GLock