The problem here is that credit cards can be reversed up to several months after the initial charge. So your drip would need to be very slow, wouldn't be worth the wait, and ultimately could still be used for fraud. (Say, you deposit $5, buy another $5 by CC, then reverse the CC charge. The longer you wait, the more you gain, but there is never any risk to you, the scammer.)
Thanks Andy. Yes, it can be reversed several months ahead. Thing is it wouldn't be worth it to the person committing the fraud since they would be fronting the bitcoin in order to do it. So if the person is legit they see their deposit faster. Get that part?
There is a fine balance between sorting out who is legit and who isn't but I hear your points!
edit: when you say "wouldn't be worth the wait" you mean from a scammers perspective or the buyers ?