1. Reward Transparent Impact Investments
Token Symbol: $HELP
Corporate Social Responsibility, and Impact Investment Funds will be rewarded
1 $HELP Token per dollar invested in an impact project.
Tokens represent your Impact Reputation, which is aimed at being a standard index of Impact across organizations and social enterprises.
2. Reward Transparent Usage of Investments
Social Enterprises that share their impact stories on the
Social Impact Network, will be rewarded
1 $HELP token per dollar of impact tracked.
3. 2-Way Blocks
A new form of a blockchain built on Bitcoin.
Structure: In addition to the data and address of the previous block, one additional address is stored.
There are two kinds of blocks in this blockchain: An Investment Block and a Usage Block
Investment Block - Contains details about the CSR/Impact Investment made.
Usage Blocks: Contains details about how the investment block funds have been used.
If the block is an Investment Block, it will have the address of the Usage Block. If it is a Usage Block, it will have the address of the respective Investment Block.
4. Built for Contracts
The 2-Way Block will allow for transparent contracts on the blockchain, where the investment and how it has been used can be traced using the investment block and usage block. This can correspond to payment for any kind of service, and the execution of the particular service.
5. Built for Transparency
The system will bring about a massive increase in transparency in fund usage by charitable and philanthropical enterprises, which is
a need of the hour.
6. Phase 2: SDG Measurement
Using open-source IRIS+ metrics based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals, focus on rewarding impact based on measurement scores derived from the stories shared on the Social Impact Network. A rewarding social network for social enterprises.
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