Those words were written almost a century after Jesus God was raised back to life, as well, and many times before the century and after the century.
So a man had children, they had children, they had children, and finally they had children. No one has ever talked about it. Then everyone remembers with
such detail.
That's how you know you're in the matrix. Come join us.
Go to almost any two adjacent States in the United States. Find the border between the two States. Most of the time, nobody can determine accurately, just by looking, where the border really lies - the actual line where the two States touch each other, one State being on one side of the line, and the other State being on the other side of the line.
Have the borders of these States changed by themselves over the years? Is everybody right and wrong at the same time when he suggests where the border is? Here is better thinking about the border.
The idea of a State is really a State of mind. Words are written down in such a way that they will convey the same meaning about this State of mind to whomever reads the words. Surveyors make physical surveys of the land. It is done in such a way that only massive land upheavals could disrupt the knowledge of where the State borders really are. States, including their borders, are States of mind that have been written down to remain accurate.
The books and other writings that describe where the States border, are kept as safe as possible, and as long as necessary, so that people always know what State of mind they should have when they talk about two States that are adjacent to each other. All they need do is read what is written in the books and other writings to determine where the State borders are and what the States - of mind - are really like.
The Bible is the same way, even though it ALSO talks about states of mind other than borders only. The Bible is a record written by people who were of a mind to write down what they saw, and were told to write by God. The Bible is accurate, having been faithfully copied over the millennia. Both, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the Holy Spirit in the hearts and minds of believers, attest to this.
We have Moses, a prince of Egypt at a time when Egypt had the writings from the beginning to his present day. At God's instruction Moses wrote the basics of the happenings in the creation of the universe. It was this State of mind that God wanted for the people. The miracles and the fulfillment of the prophesies recorded in the Bible show that the State of mind is truth.
Absolutely we are in God's matrix. It's a matrix of freedom. The freedom exists by giving meaning to everything through the complexity in the ways that everything works together. Part of the reason why God made it this way, was to give people greatness through allowing them to understand HIS greatness.
God's matrix greatness extends to people in freedom. People have freedom to ignore God and His matrix operations, thereby throwing away some of their own greatness. But God graciously gives these people time to pick up their greatness again, which they can do by recognizing how GREAT He is. Those who permanently reject recognizing God, no longer have a purpose for existing. They have essentially rejected themselves out of existence.