Escrow for this sale and who will do it and pay their fees?
We can use SebastianJu
I am offering 0.145btc for this account since it has poor quality posts.
It is not worth even the asking starting bid. And I am hard pressed that there is no staked address what so ever for the length this account has been in existence and for all those posts made. It is more than likely the previous owner, since you said you bought it months ago) just deleted those posts and in doing so lowered the potential on the account too.
I am buying it at this price as I am taking on a risk for both these concerns that can arise in the future and also someone trying to recover this account with no signed message.
If you agree tell SebJu our terms and that it infact has NO Neutral comments on it and definelty NO negative feedback. Just the Dark green trust that you say it has and I am good with this sale.
You will pay his fees though.