Legalise some drugs for sale BUT never lock anyone up for taking any drug ..
Portugal legalised taking drugs.. No jail.
Crime gone down people taking drugs gone down..WHY..Think about it..?
No drug pushers ..
Just think if a shop sells it no street dealers to be pushing it on the street YOUTH .
GO ON GO ON GO ON have these drugs says the big kid to the small kid
PUSHERS ..Shops no more pushers..
Free choice to take drugs NOT FORCED CHOICE..
How forced choice?..
You are young and to fit in you are pushed to take or smoke these drugs to fit in..
The young get to know more about drugs if legal..
Not every drinks or smokes
..Smoking most young don't smoke anymore..LEGAL
It seems us humans if we are told not to do something we do it more
Maybe it's the desire humans have to always want to be free
Complete legalisation of drugs is actually an amazing idea. I see it as a natural selection. Those who are stupid enough to do drugs and kill themselves will leave us who don't, therefore more junkies= less junkies.
You forget that among drug users, a very large number of criminals. To meet the ever growing amount of drugs they need they go on the offense. You don't think about the fact that they themselves can become a victim of drug addict, and your children can become addicts? I'm against it. Any talk about legalization of drugs needs to be stopped.
If your children were having it (using once, left behind by someone, all scenarios were they could be arrested), how long should they be jailed? Or maybe executing them is the best solution? I am curious to know your opinions
if it concerned your own chilld, and please all parents do their best to protect their children from most addictive behaviors and independandly of all efforts all drug users were kids once.
One example, in iran if your parents are parts of the ruling gang, no problem. Or if jeff sessions has relative, i bet you they get nothing and the eventual press or media is forced to censor.
The government should just accept the fact that the drugs can't be eliminated. As long as the demand exists, the people will find a way to secure them. The only viable option is to legalize and regulate them.
I am against the legalization of drugs. More than that I don't agree with you that it is impossible to defeat drugs. In order to buy drugs addicts should know where you can buy them.
Once they know that might know and the police. The power just didn't really want to deal with this problem.
Legalization of drugs should happen and will eventually happen. Do you think an addict should be imprisoned if they find the source of his addiction in his possession? Why don't they arrest drunkards then for carrying a bottle of vodka? Addiction is a sickness and addicts should be offered help not punished. Also, if someone wants to waste himself in his home it's his choice and he should have the right to do so.
I'm not only against hard drugs but I am against even the soft drugs such as marijuana. Why would a person do a dependent? All my life I regret that started to smoke and now can't leave. And you want to legalize drugs. Bullshit!
Don't you think that it's a private matter if he wants to be dependent on something or not? What if someone watched your every step and told you that you can't eat sugar, drink beer, stay awake all night, because all these things are bad for you? These are our lives and our choices and as long as we aren't harming anyone we should be allowed to do what we like.
As for smoking, you might regret it but some other people may find it a part of their lives.
Thank you for this post. Fundamentally it's a liberty, freedom and ownership issue. As you said next sugar (btw very addictive) salt or grease. Who does your body belongs to? In some country alcohol is illegal... another sad problem is certain type of health drug that are allowed in certain country (state) and illegal in other.
Most forget that liverty start where it doesnt reduce the one of others... personnally it's a total lack of condifence and fear that drive those prohibitionnists (for the honnest ones) the others are after power/money (jail, lawyer, courts industries) or have societal or demographic objectives (most us jails are filled with blacks for so called illegal natural substances).
But to get back to your post, sadly socialized healthcare may degenerate in this, forced to do sports, not eating more of than x amounts, backed by digital surveillance (wc analysis, obligations to get tested, etc).
Another parallel can be made with abortion.