period of 12 months? Impossible
2018 was full with arbitrage trading. There was a lot of simple arbitrage deals (Bank -> exchange 1 -> exchange 2 -> Bank) and a huge amount of advanced ones between different exchanges including methods (don't want to tell what exactly) to compensate slow crypto withdrawals between exchanges.
Also there are methods to cheat other bots - just needed a knowledge and analyzing skills.
And arbitrage deals are still available. I have a lot of code written in C# for most of exchanges (Rest + Socket) to analyse price differences and automatic trading via security key and password. Everything is arbitrage focused. I am not a crypto investor. I can make technical analysis to trade and I already was in that game. I also have a lot of expirence with FX years ago. I was develop tons of Expert Advisers for MT4 for clients. I was providing my own services for that on my website. But arbitrage trading is more profitable and you don't care about price direction.
I have some interest, but there is not much info. And I prefer to work from home not in full time.
PS: Now I see that you are looking for Trafer, not a software implementation of arbitrage logic.