
Topic: Hiring - Two Professional Technical analyst on trading (Read 249 times)

Activity: 42
Merit: 0
hello, i'm looking for professional Technical analyst on trading altcoins, please message me if intereste

*2 or more years experience in trading crypto currency
*must have an acount in poloniex.

Will be hard to "hire" them. If they wanted to trade, they would do it on their own. So it is useless unless you just want advice on altcoins. The only reason that maybe they would accept is if you have lots of bitcoin for them to trade. Then again margin trading means they don't even need that.

Eh I've been almost too transparent on here so here's why I would do it (or anyone else with the capability): Low capital reserves (modest 40k income a year) to invest into btc but i'm one of those optimists who see huge growth in the sector.

Since the market is new I'll start it at the fiat rate (USD) of

around 45k a year (so about 20 USD/hr of work) per Mind you that's the lowest 10% of the median salary of ENTRY LEVEL work as listed per your ad.

Not sure where your located by I have pretty strong speaking skills if you want to video conferencing calls I can simply just break down raw data into easier to digest information. Also I'm sure your aware that as someone who is entering in such a contract with you the most accurate advice I can give will require at least a surface level of personal info (age, long-short term, how much to buy/sell, what your goals are etc) along with an even deeper level of assets information (total liquid to equity, capital reserves, your current stake, etc).

I'm not sure how we would measure that but you could simply pm me the info you want analyzed and I can prepare a presentation via videoconferencing as proof of the services rendered along with PP slides.. I don't think you really want spreadsheets on something like this with someone you hired via a forum although I've seen sloppier at some workplaces.

Another option is to simply do what rockie suggested and just sell me the BTC at a discount via cash deposit at bank or credit union at a lower cost. Right now i'm a little hesitant on buying from non-domestic markets

sr. member
Activity: 476
Merit: 251
hello, i'm looking for professional Technical analyst on trading altcoins, please message me if intereste

*2 or more years experience in trading crypto currency
*must have an acount in poloniex.

Will be hard to "hire" them. If they wanted to trade, they would do it on their own. So it is useless unless you just want advice on altcoins. The only reason that maybe they would accept is if you have lots of bitcoin for them to trade. Then again margin trading means they don't even need that.
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
Some examples of current opinions of my analysis.;topicseen

Quote from: mzforfree
My theory on why BTC's value is only going to rise and become more consistent over time:

Recently someone on here made a astute observation that the boom we are witnessing has something to do with the public's increasing awareness of BTC and most importantly the public's ABILITY TO USE AND EXCHANGE said currency, i.e BTC's learning curve.

What this poster pointed out is that if you look at BTC's growth over the last few months it seems to be off-the-charts level, i.e: exponential in it's growth. He pointed out that BTC'S somewhat steep learning curve is what has held people back, and is still what holds some people back. After mentioning his educational background focus being in sociology and learning his theory is that we are witnessing an curve on the btc growth chart which is essentially an exponential growth curve. e is the base of all logarithms and without getting too textbook about it it's simply happens in many fields of the life and physical science (nature, technology, human activity) and the this experiential learning curve (exponential growth) happens only when these 4 conditions are met:

   →   Concrete Experience   ↓   
Active Experimentation            Reflective Observation
↑   Abstract Conceptualization   ←   

As time goes on even with this current MINOR decline I see this still occuring and my favorite collaborating theory to prove that it's not only bound to happen but bound to happen more than later is that with BTC at least 3 of these conditions in it being more user friendly (if not 4) has to do with, a law being proven truth more and more over time and that has been around for 50+ years. It basically states that as computing power doubles each year/few years the COST of running said computing power will REDUCE by a factor of 2 (getting 50% cheaper each year). This will only speed up this poster's theory and validate his claim as BTC's value literally comes from PEOPLE not by some arbitrary belief in the value of some government or corporation. This makes getting an accurate value of BTC way easier than the fiat system because of the transparency in blockchain and that better technology in computing as well as time will only validate and increase the public's ability to meet those 4 criteria.

Thus if you believe in these few premises the value of bitcoin is still bound to make a huge jump

1. The people who know and use bitcoin will only go up
2. Bitcoin's foundation and core design principle of blockchain only improve and the public's understanding of how it works will only improve

Thus making BTC as a surefire bet I've seen single... ever... has any type of commodity/stock/good risen THIS much that people are making comparisons to its graph and that of exponential growth? Cause when i first saw the jump that is the first thing that came into my mind too: "holy crap this is an e curve" and "what is causing this growth explosion"
Activity: 72
Merit: 10
hello, i'm looking for professional Technical analyst on trading altcoins, please message me if intereste

*2 or more years experience in trading crypto currency
*must have an acount in poloniex.
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