This is the entire history off bitcoincharts as of 5:05 PM EST 4/14/2013. It's 29MB zipped and 179MB unzipped.
I have the script to keep it updated:
To use this script you need Python (2.7.3 not 3.x as it was not made for 3.x).
Make a directory anywhere, and 2 subdirectories.... name 1 "data" and name the other 1 "bin"(but could be anything).
Put the into \bin and Unzip the .csv file into \data.
Then run the script. It will update the massive 179MB file from where it left off, and also generate a new condensed version of this as a 1 minute average format. The condensed version is about 20MB. It's not completely "60.00000 seconds" precise. But it will try to condense an unlimited number of trades down to 1 minute worth and VWAP the price.
Could this be adapted to download per minute data for all time BTCE BTC/USD?