1.) When was the first GPU mining software released?
2.) When was the first FPGA used for bitcoin mining?
3.) Exact date of the first ASIC based miner entering the network? (I suppose it was either Avalon or ASICminer)
1) http://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/questions/3572/when-was-the-first-gpu-miner-made-available-publicly
2) not sure if this was first: https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/official-open-source-fpga-bitcoin-miner-last-update-april-14th-2013-9047
3) http://garzikrants.blogspot.com.es/2013/01/once-upon-time-in-china-package-shipped.html
Avalon themselves will have used their hardware earlier, for testing if nothing else, dont know those dates