
Topic: Holiday Cheer - Music and Revolution (Read 1774 times)

Activity: 58
Merit: 0
December 25, 2014, 09:26:30 PM
Merry Christmas once again and a Happy New Year!
Activity: 58
Merit: 0
December 25, 2013, 06:47:28 PM
Unabashed Cryptomas Eve BUMP!  Grin
Activity: 58
Merit: 0
December 24, 2013, 05:31:03 PM
==== "My Scrypt AyThiC" ====

 Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin

All I want for Crypmath 'ith a Scrypt AyThiC,
a Scrypt AyThiC, oh a Scrypt AyThiC.

Gee if I could only have a Scrypt AyThiC,
then I could wish you Merry Crypmath.

It seems so long since I could say,
"Sending Cosmoscoin confirms 'r kinda tricky"
Gosh oh gee mining coin for free ...
if I could only whisthle ... (thhh, thhhh)

All I want for Crypmath 'ith a Scrypt AyThiC,
a Scrypt AyThiC, oh a Scrypt AyThiC.

Gee if I could only have a Scrypt AyThiC,
then I could wish you Merry Crypmath!

Activity: 58
Merit: 0
December 24, 2013, 10:33:02 AM
"Hashing Through The SHA "

Hashing through the SHA.
In an ASIC from ebay
O'er the logs we go
Tweaking all the way, (Ha! Ha! Ha!)
Coins on blockchains bring
Economic change
What fun it is to hash and sing
A Crypto song tonight.

Oh! Jingle bells, click to sell
profits all the way!
Oh what fun, it is to mine
my Crypto coin today, HEY!
Jingle bells, click to sell
Profits all the way!
Oh what fun it is to mine
in the Crypto industry.

A day or two ago
The diff was kind'a high
And soon by magnitude,
the diff was in the sky.
The pool was lean and lank
The luck had bottomed out
It was like a central bank
But then we found a block!

Oh! Jingle bells, click to sell
profits all the way!
Oh what fun, it is to mine
my Crypto coin today, HEY!
Jingle bells, click to sell
Profits all the way!
Oh what fun it is to mine
in the Crypto industry.

Oh! Jingle bells, profits swell
trade all night and day!
Oh what fun, it is to mine
Crypto every day, HEY!
Jingle bells, click to sell
Profits all the way!
Oh what fun it is to mine
some Crypto coin today.
Activity: 58
Merit: 0
December 24, 2013, 12:10:06 AM
=== Coin To The World =======

Coin to the world, Crypto is come!
Let Earth, receive, bitcoin;
Let every wallet synchronize,
And every share be paid ...
And every share be paid ...
And every-and every share be paid.

Coin to the world, let Crypto ring!
So men, employ, the coin;
For fiat fed and bankster pain,
Continue mining coin ...
Cointinue mining coin ...
Repeat-repeat for Crypto coin.

No more in debt, with fiat grow,
To End, the Fed, is sane;
Crypto instead of paper notes,
Far as the curse is found ...
Far as the curse is found ...
Far as-far as the curse is found.

We rule the world, with pools of coin,
And make, the na-tions choose
The glories of the Crypto might,
The wonders of the coin ...
The wonders of the coin ...
And wonders-wonders of the coin.
Activity: 58
Merit: 0
December 23, 2013, 09:29:19 PM
== We Wish You A Merry Crypto ===

We wish you a Merry Crypto;
We wish you a Merry Crypto;
We wish you a Merry Crypto and a Happy New Year.
Good mining we bring to you and your coins;
Good mining for Crypto and a Happy New Year.

We wish you a Merry Crypto;
We wish you a Merry Crypto;
We wish you a Merry Crypto and a Happy New Year.
Activity: 58
Merit: 0
December 22, 2013, 07:55:36 PM
===== Away In Exchanges =====

Away in exchanges no cup but a head.
The little coin Scryptus drew candles of red.
The bots in the network looked down where he lay.
The little coin Scryptus was crashing today.

The trolls they are trolling, poor Scryptus awakes
But little coin Scryptus, no crying he makes.
I love thee coin Scryptus, when setting new highs.
And filling my orders when low I do buy.

Sweet bells they ring, they ring out the news today,
that coin was born, was born on CryptoGraph day!
Activity: 58
Merit: 0
December 21, 2013, 05:08:48 PM
===== Twas The Night Before Crypto ======
(Special thanks to 3Dfilament and all of the trolls).

Twas the night before Crypto, and all through the house.
Every miner was purring, hashing nonce, full out.
The cards extended 'oer the milk crates with care.
In hopes that St. Cryptograph soon would pay shares.

The trolls they were trolling logged into the box.
While visions to da moon crashed on Mount GOX.
And mamma in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap.
Had just settled our trades knukin' up wit a dap.

When there on my desktop there arose such a clatter.
I sprang from my bed to browse to the matter.
Away to Ubuntu I flew with my flash.
Jabbed at the mouse, alt tabbed to the facts.

A boot on the neck of new capital flow!
The Chinese government layed siege sewing woe.
The halting of deposits with Renminbi.
Under penalty of law and with force they decreed.

When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
An article in Spanish I read with great cheer.
South America shifting into bitcoin first gear.
To la fiesta del Crypto! St. Cryptograph steered.

With drivers out of beta, so lively and quick,
The Mexican factories preparing to ship.
290's, 280's and flavors of "X",
To the miners in cities, a las casas, real quick.

Now Bitcoin! Now Litecoin! Coincove and Astro!
On, Worldcoin! Anoncoin! and Philosopher Stone!
To the top of the charts ! and over great walls!
Now hash away! Hash away! Hash away all!"

As stale shares that before new getwork is issued.
When submitted to the pool, dissolve like tissue.
Off to the tropics the Cryptographers flew.
With the sleigh full of hardware, GPU and PSU.

And then, in a twinkling, I heard on YouTube,
The miners in Mexico, in Chile and Peru,
Were adding their workers and saving conf files,
Running CGWatcher, St. CryptoGraph smiled.

He was dressed in an S-curve, from his buy to his sell,
Clothes crumpled from crashing, correcting like hell.
A bundle of software zipped tight in his pack,
He looked like a coder, totally whack.

His eyes red as beets! His grin quite silly!
He puffed on his pipe filled with quality killa!
His hands on the keyboard fingers curled like so ,
The beard of his chin glinting with snow.

Drawing deep on his pipe held tight in his teeth,
The smoke it encircled his head like a wreath.
He had a broad face, like Kim Dotcom,
Code flew from his fingers like hail in a storm.

He was skinny and wirey, a razor sharp dev,
And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself!
The jingling sound of the blocks on his chain,
Soon gave me to know "End the Fed" could be game.

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
And filled all the milkcrates, with rad, cool stuff.
Then laying his finger aside of his nose,
With a puff of his pipe, up the S-curve he rose!

As he shattered old highs, to the devs gave a whistle,
And away they all flew with their hash and their Crypto.
But I heard him exclaim, ‘ere he logged off the site,
"Happy Crypto to all! Chikun ... ARISE!"
Activity: 58
Merit: 0
December 15, 2013, 04:10:23 PM
============ THE TWELVE DAYS OF CRYPTO ==============


On the first day of Christmas
my true love sent to me,

A wallet, (wa-a-let), stuffed with LTC.


On the second day of Christmas
my true love sent to me:

2 Terahash,
and a wallet* stuffed with LTC.


On the third day of Christmas
my true love sent to me:

3 Chi-kun
2 Terahash
and a wallet* stuffed with LTC.


On the fourth day of Christmas
my true love sent to me:

4 Colored coins
3 Chi-kun
2 Terahash
and a wallet stuffed with LTC.


On the fifth day of Christmas
my true love sent to me:


5 - BTC ... T ... C ..... !

4 Colored coins
3 Chi-kun
2 Terahash
and a wallet stuffed with LTC.


On the sixth day of Christmas
my true love sent to me:

6 Banks a praying.

5 - BTC ... T ... C ..... !

4 Colored coins
3 Chi-kun
2 Terahash
and a wallet stuffed with LTC.


On the seventh day of Christmas
my true love sent to me:

7 Swans eventing.
6 Banks a praying.

5 - BTC ... T ... C ..... !

4 Colored coins
3 Chi-kun
2 Terahash
and a wallet stuffed with LTC.


On the eighth day of Christmas
my true love sent to me:

8 Miners mining.
7 Swans eventing.
6 Banks a praying.

5 - BTC ... T ... C ..... !

4 Colored Coins
3 Chi-kun
2 Terahash
and a wallet stuffed with LTC.


On the ninth day of Christmas
my true love sent to me:

9 Clients paying
8 Miners mining
7 Swans eventing
6 Banks a praying

5 - BTC ... T ... C ..... !

4 Colored Coins
3 Chi-kun
2 Terahash
and a wallet stuffed with LTC.


On the tenth day of Christmas
my true love sent to me:

10 Virgin bitcoin
9 Clients paying
8 Miners mining
7 Swans eventing
6 Banks a praying

5 - BTC ... T ... C ..... !

4 Colored Coins
3 Chi-kun
2 Terahash
and a wallet stuffed with LTC.


On the eleventh day of Christmas
my true love sent to me:

11 Pumpers dumping
10 Virgin bitcoin
9 Clients paying
8 Miners mining
7 Swans eventing
6 Banks a praying

5 - BTC ... T ... C ..... !

4 Colored Coins
3 Chi-kun
2 Terahash
and a wallet stuffed with LTC.


On the twelth day of Christmas
my true love sent to me:

12 Block Erupters
11 Pumpers dumping
10 Virgin bitcoin
9 Clients paying
8 Miners mining
7 Swans eventing
6 Banks a praying

5 - BTC ... T ... C ..... !

4 Colored Coins
3 Chi-kun
2 Terahash
and a wallet stuffed with LTC.

..... and a Waaa-aaal-let stuffed with L ... T ... Ceeeeeeeee!

Aaaannnnddd cut!

Activity: 58
Merit: 0
December 14, 2013, 08:36:07 AM
=== "Mining Lights" ===

Mining lights ... flicker so bright.

All is calm ... pools are tight.
( < mezzo forte)

Round yon server they gather all night.
(<<< forte)

Ho-ly Crypto so parabolic..
(>>> mezzo forte)

Holy Cry-pto-gra-phyyy-yyyyy
( <<<<< FORTISSIMO!)

Ho-o-ly Cry-pto-graaa-phyyyyy.
(>>> al diminuendo sostenuto)
Activity: 58
Merit: 0
December 14, 2013, 12:57:01 AM
We as a community have much to offer this new money, this "free market" money, this new money industry paradigm we call CryptoCurrency. We all have talents and skills not directly related to Bitcoin and Litecoin mining, trading, coding, consultations, etc ...

Some of us are musicians, some of us have skills and talents in marketing and in other important areas that we can bring to the table to support this new currency paradigm by speaking to audiences that have not been reached with other methods.

What we love, what we do in our lives ... that we love to do ... this can be one of our strongest supporting devices for CryptoCurrency, (in addition to the hard work and expense of mining coin, the intellectual capital we create for our start-ups, and all the things we do that are directly related to building, expanding and supporting coin).

This Topic encourages a bit of holiday cheer and might continue to illustrate how music is very important to any large scale project, (rEVOLution), and of course those of us in marketing understand.

Your music, the music you love, the music you work to acquire, the music to which you spend your time listening has an audience and we can connect with that audience and introduce them to bitcoin, give them information about bitcoin in a format to which they might be responsive. Through our music, and art and writing we can build the "human equation" from which the CryptoCurrency paradigm can continue to grow in value. There is a human side, a "real" person side of this sometimes complex and confusing new paradigm. "What's in it for me?", could be a nice hook to create a rap or hip hop song about CryptoCoin. And we are defining these hot-button topics that we can create music and art with and tell the story of Crypto in song, in music, in prose and in art and create the CryptoCurrency "human experience".

Your OP likes to write parody, likes to write original lyrics and songs, orchestrate them or create accompaniments on the computer as well as record in the studio. And I wish all of you good holiday cheer! And whatever holidays you celebrate, consider the music that accompanies those holidays and how the coin can appear in that music and how you can make connections using music to those who we might not be able to connect with in other meaningful ways.

Some are deaf to our words, but many of those might sing with us.

I"ll start this thread with my favorite holiday song to use as a parody template, "Rudolph The Rednose Reindeer". Please, feel free to comment on lyrics, make suggestions, post YOUR parody songs for this "BTCitcoin Holiday Season", and if you wish, just use the thread to recount your experiences with the coins during this holiday season.

Are you giving coin as a gift? Did you purchase holiday gifts or services or products with coin? Did you receive coin as a result of the Holiday Marketplace?

We can discuss the marketing of the coin paradigm through the spirit of the holidays, whatever those holidays you celebrate might be. Do you hear the horse coming to the Celestial Heaven to have an audience with the Jade Emperor? Do you see the snake slithering out of the garden now, do you hear that music and celebration? Do you hear the pentatonic Bitcoin?

Do you hear the frequency Kenneth?

Bust a move on YouTube, encourage your musician friends to make recordings of the songs that appear in this thread and your own creations.

Capitalize in the Bitcoin marketing industry with all of your skills and talents, sing it, write it, illustrate it.

Are you a musician? Do you know some musicians? Any lyrical parodies posted here by myself, (the OP), feel free to use those lyrics or your own adaptations of them, (give credit where credit might be due, to the thread and its participants especially).

This topic encourages bringing a bit of Holiday fun, bringing some cheer and brightness to our toil in the mines and the exchanges, please, let us sing together.

All languages are welcome in this thread.

To the tune of "Rudolph The Rednose Reindeer" :

You know Bitcoin and Litecoin and Namecoin and Netcoin,
Dogecoin, Anoncoin, Vertcoin and Worldcoin.

But do you recall? The most famous of them all?

(Cue piano ...)

Crypto competing monies, had some very shiny coinz.
And if you ever mine them, you would see the K/hash flow.

All of the fiat monies, used to laugh and call coinz names.
They never let poor Crypto, play in any finance games.

Then one foggy Crypto feed, Satoshi came to say.
Bitcoin with your coin so bright, won't you lead the Crypto fight!

Then all the goldbugs loved him, as they shouted out with glee.
Crypto competing monies, an excellent discovery!

Crypto competing monies, the future of economies!

Crypto competing monies, you'll go down in history!

Crypto competing monies! You'll - go down - in His - tor-ryyyyyyyyyy!

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