-when has USD/BTC have had to make sense?
-check it out boys, this one is is the DELUX. you can slow down your cassettes to make yourself sound like a man. last time i checked ebay does not take BTC nor did toys r us in 1990..whatever.
$5 for a non working one. and $50 if you have the tape that came with it. (i dont)
and lastly MAKE ME A OFFER!!! DO AMERICANS NOT LIKE TO HAGGLE? better hop on it while BTC is 170$ (dont wanna get ripped off) or we can trade for gold
BTC prices are always a bit higher, but this is a huge difference.
Here is a working one, including a brand new tape, for $25: http://www.ebay.com/itm/DELUXE-TALKBOY-RECORDER-PLAYER-BY-TIGER-1993-HOME-ALONE-/321231839921?pt=TV_Movie_Character_Toys_US&hash=item4acae8e2b1
All I'm saying is you might want to lower to price a bit.