archaic nature of the curriculum wey most schools dey use for this our country, how you see am? e go better make you do home schooling, that is like gather better teachers dey pay them yourself make dem dey come teach your pikin den you dey closely dey monitor dem den dey add some kind small small modern knowledge of things dem suppose know, or you still prefer make dem go the schoool the way school dey for the country.
I dey ask because, e get school wey dey near my side, I been dey hyear when the teachers for the school dey teach the children about things wey dem fit find for classroom, the thing vex me because why you go dey teach children that kind thing, something wey nor dey important like that and people parents dey pay school fees.
Whether qualified or not qualified teachers I still choose sending our kids to schools. Sending your children to school make them competitive among their classmates and it broadens their knowledge towards their reasoning ability.
Sending our children to school helps them to be exposed to different individuals that may be impactful to them in the future. Like for instance if your classmate holds a notable office in the future it can be easy for them to reach out to you knowing fully well that you both started a journey together so sending our children to schools has lots of advantages though if you are handy enough you can still employ the services of a home teacher to further enlighten their knowledge on what they're being thought in school.