
Topic: Homeless tribe!!! killing the trade based inefficiencies since 2014 (Read 590 times)

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ok so i wrote this awesome paper in satoshis format Cheesy

i hope you enjoy it muuuuch:

aand here copied text for thoe who dont want leave the forum:

Homeless Tribe: Drastic Improvement of Humanity

The Truth
[email protected]
twitter: @PureApeshit

Abstract. To maximise well being of humans we need to increase the power of each individual. Suggested methods are Individual Manufacturing From Scratch(IMFS), Natural Physical Perfection(NPP), Tribe Like Communities(TLC) and Free Node Network(FNN).


Homeless tribe is all about power of individual. Conventional homes are designed to shelter people from complicated environment in process removing natural complexity encouraging focus on escaping problems rather then solving them. Home/land owner societies are based on trade, because land is not same everywhere creating absolute necessity for trade. Trade allows lack off efficiency as when you have something many need you can escape problems by passing them(trading) to others. Rather than everyone focus on solution only very few do it. Being homeless removes the need for big centralised society as there is no more distribution and protection of private real estate. Each individual obtains motivation to be a problem solver - huge improvement on present waste of brain power.

2. Individual Manufacturing From Scratch(IMFS)

Useful items are very obvious improvement of power, but it is a dependency if you can not make them. Also very important is - from scratch - part, because even if you can make tools for yourself, but it takes huge and long effort to do so, you will be very tied to them.

[Theoretical speculations, still lot work need to be done] As our bodies work with loads of different simple robots(globular proteins), doing simple tasks again and again, so one could make simple robotic machines from materials found around everywhere. Those robots could micro produce desired materials be it metals, plastics or gathering raw materials or combining them or any other task. People are rarely aware that we are surounded by most of chemical elements everywhere, just mostly they are in small concentrations or/and in strong bonds with other elements, thus making trade based present society not interested in them, as it lives on movement of abundance to scarcity and not problem solving. But if to decide to obtain everything for oneself, efficiency is mind blowing. For example compare production value of potatoe field to forest, which potatoes are replacing. Potatoe field has abundance of one resource - potatoes and it is easy gather them. But forest has huge amounts of various different resources and does not require care. Here small robotic gatherers swoop in and colect desired resources like ants and solve the small concentration problem. As everything is done for individual or family at most, big quantities lose value. There would be no waste, because even smoke of fire would be gatherable useful resource.

3. Natural Physical Perfection(NPP)

Wild animals are good example of NPP. Growth of neurones, fat cells, muscle cells or healing is heavily affected by stress or happiness. For good body state one needs to be happy all the time and reserve stress for extreme situations. Independence trough IMFS stops most irrational fears and being homeless(not to be confused with trying to  escape being homeless) makes one solve all survival needs, thus removing all non-emergency stress. One can obtain blissful joy state on command once survival needs are satisfied. Blissful joy state leads to what i call apeshit, most people are familiar with playing cats or dogs, that is how muscle strength, speed, endurance and flexibility is perfected. Same goes to new neurone production and connections between them. Once in almighty blissful joy state one tries new things, talks and catches different languages and writes improvement of humanity suggestions Smiley.

4. Tribe Like Communities(TLC)

Group cooperation is neccessary as in medical attention to each other and other emergencies. Tribal structure of less than 100 people is default human nature, providing most emergency needs while still being very flexible and unrestraining. Cities and other huge communities lose any value when each individual provides himself with food, items and information. No longer needing to trade people will not have any benefits from living in trading centers(cities), similar as with development of internet information stoped being centralised in universities and libraries. Even all this sounds like going back to the primitive - it is not, as technological/intellectual edge is enchanced trough instantanious world wide information network, thus not allowing isolation forced decay of relevance.

5. Free Node Network(FNN)

This should be successor of internet. Internet is very good, but its nodes(servers, cables etc.) are not free. It is very hard to run a server with good connection to the internet if you are independent individual. With improvements to data storage, like storing information in DNA sequences(all internet information of today would  fit in 4 grams of DNA) or other light, huge capacity storages, It would be possible to have peer-to-peer network with no third party(no servers, just personal devices like laptops and smartphones), because all websites, videos and other information on the network could be stored on each device, so if many are turned off still there are plenty which are on, your website would never go down. Ofcourse everytime you connect you would have to update all changes on whole network, but information transfer speeds theoreticaly could be enormous using quantum entanglement effect. Such network also will not need antenas or satellities and will have no lag even in interplanetary distances.

6. Conclusion

Even things discused here are obvious huge improvements on present situation, it is yet to be accomplished in practice - which i plan to do and i encourage you too!


Style of this writing is copied from Satoshi Nakamoto paper - "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System".

A lot of information is processed from huge amount of science i devoured and enormous amount of experience i obtained trough my life.
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