You can find more about the project here
a rough prototype here
and the current funding project here
this project is starting at GoFundMe, will then continue on to Indiegogo and will finally be primed and ready for Kickstarter. I raised over $100 in my first hours of the project and listed in the directory.
Anyway, if you want in on the ground floor to own this virtual estate, there are several things you can do.
If you are a developer, designer, or you can do video, write press releases, help with public relations/marketing, then you can get co-founder credits and earn free property (and many kudos)...i have reserved properties specifically for this purpose
please, please help make this happen, I can guarantee this will return more to the BTC community than almost any other project, especially when one contemplates what will be done with the money raised, and how that factors into step 2, BTC virtual currency and gaming...
definitely worth a look!