Why don't you host twitter or other campaigns for a revival of community for coins like Mint, Myriad, Bunny, doge, dgb, litedoge?. Appreciate your suggestions.
I think we just need decent debs that think long term and not short term greed and early runs. Think about it. Do you want to eat this pizza now ? Or wait till next week and get 3 ? I mean sire its easier to get the 1 pizza but afterwards ? What then ? It's all gone. Rather wait fpr the 3 pizzas and eat 1 and save 2 . Now you have even more pizzas to look forward to once you sell the other 2. It grows and grows. Only a fool picks the first option. A wise Dev understands social interaction with holders is key and vital. Hopefully am unknown Dev will hot the markets in a few months time who knows ?? Maybe someone will stand up and own ?? I guess its too much of a challenge for these devs that run or give up and abandon.