The NYC constituency being forced to bear the burden of their voting habits, a tragedy.
what do you mean? I don't necessarily think people in NYC voted for the migrant crisis there they didn't think that could happen so give them a break.
They're a sanctuary city, perhaps conceitedly so, but still nonetheless. Though I do recall many stories of NYC mayor Eric Adams boasting about NYC's sanctuary status. To his defense, he's reversed course. AOC on the other hand is a lost cause.
Anyways, the NYC constituency voted for radical left wingers, and they should not be surprised when their governance reflects radical left wing policies.
everyone is unskilled when they first start out. that's why training and education exist. how long does it take to become a nurse? maybe 2 years? and then you're making $250,000 or more maybe way more. some of these people could do that just as easily as they might become an uber driver. there's demand for both.
I'm not arguing for or against the neoliberal perspective economic perspective. Only offering a potential explanation as to why NY might prohibit illegals from getting jobs. I mention wages are driven down -- it's mostly unskilled wages that are driven down because of cheap labor. But who benefits from cheap labor? The consumers. The doctors and lawyers of NYC don't need to worry about this. The uber drivers do.
In other words, if you're a skilled worker, it's within your interest to allow cheap unskilled labor to flourish. If you're an unskilled worker, it becomes an issue.
Yes, the illegals could educate themselves and benefit the local economy. But that's not what happens in actuality. Illegals generally take up low skilled positions and stick to them.