if never used it will just show no transactions linked to that address.. when checking block explorers.
to 'save' all possible addresses would require storage beyond any measure/availability today
there are 904625697166532776746648320380374280100293470930272690489102837043110636675 possible private keys
use this
http://gobittest.appspot.com/Addresstype in 1 at: '0 - Private ECDSA Key' text box
it will give you: 1EHNa6Q4Jz2uvNExL497mE43ikXhwF6kZm at: '9 - Base58 encoding of 8' text box
type in 2 at: '0 - Private ECDSA Key' text box
it will give you: 1LagHJk2FyCV2VzrNHVqg3gYG4TSYwDV4m at: '9 - Base58 encoding of 8' text box
continue for as long as you like until your fingers burn out from keyboard friction.. or even make a script to automate it.
the number is so huge it wont matter.
you can build a new script that not only makes the keypairs for your computer to store
requiring storage way way way beyond even a yottabyte hard drive
then if checking the balance. which by the way requires much more computational power and bandwidth.
seeing as how there are 904625697166532776746648320380374280100293470930272690489102837043110636675 possibilities
and imagining you could check lets say 1000 addresses a second.
1000 =1 sec
60000 =1 min
3600000 =1 hour
86400000 =1 day
31536000000 =1 year
788400000000 =1 family generation
78840000000000 =100 family generation(ancestors)
after 2500 years your ancestors would have only checked
78840000000000 possibles
in other words after 2500 years your ancestors would have
758203110636675 still to go