Re. my experience: I work in IT as an entrepreneur and mostly have experience with LAMP servers, PHP, MySQL, Wordpress, shell scripting and some ajax/js coding.
Wordpress? Have you built any wordpress sites using WP e-Commerce? There is a growing need for people who can provide assistance to Wordpress users who wish to add Bitcoin as a payment option to their ecommerce site.
Here's a gateway, I'll get right on that then
Thanks so much!!
Maybe this is something that could be added to the wordpress e-commerce shopping cart. yeah, just thinking a historical exchange price to purchase chart would be awsome.
i would so LOVE to build a little wordpress "shop" that accepts only BitCoin as a hobby and further the cause (it would be me selling my gold/silver coins, mostly). however, updating the prices sucks unwashed goat-ass.
if there was a way to make [shop-plugin] make the following, I'd be one happy camper:
a) take the price of something
(gold-price, $XAU)b) look for the vwap of the last X (three?) hours of
$BTC-trading across Y exchanges
c) maybe apply some minor math to it (like
[$XAU/31,11/$BTC]+0,5BTC)d) put that shit right next to my krugerrand
and then log in the whole shebang, send the BTC to my
safe.wallet.dat (there needs to be the option to supply a list of x BitCoin-Adresses the plugin uses to send the funds to make it less vulnerable), sends out an email with order confirmation, KABOOM! BUSINESS!