I get 20/day with a single SSD and only 6 cores and still playing around.
On a single NMVE I can get 16 plots per day, I was talk about $$ day there not plots dude.
I can do 32 plots/day, but I don't I do 16 plots/day, and I average income of $20/day, the purpose of the post is to remind all that nobody is making real money in this scam.
I make more money miniing ETH, without risk of killing my HW, so far this month alone I have killed 3 drives playing with chia.
My 3-nvme system is the only one I use for plotting ( creating 108gb plots files), one nvme for the os, one for plotting, one for plot-temp, I only run 4 plots, gen every six hours; Sure I can do 32, but why?
My 16 plots day, barely keeps up with the 8.9% EB space-growth, now what 10.9EB? Yesterday 10.1 ( 10.1 billion billion bytes )
Unlike ETH, where you add cards, here more plots just keeps you even, you stop making plots, and you fall behind.
Big part of that hashrate rise is fake, dont by chinese cheaters at hpool:
"1. Many users use the same file to mine in the wallet and mining pool at the same time to steal HashRate from other users: we have now detected that about 170 daily accounts was banned for this issue (which means that 170 daily blocks should have been generated in the mining pool but was rubbed away. Fewer than 10% users accept the punishment).
2. Fake HashRate: some miners participated in mining by forging false documents to obtain illegal profits. At present, we have investigated and confirmed that about 500+P have been involved in this attempt, among which a single account is involved with 180P.
The investigation is still going on."
People should stay away from that pool
Once upon a time viruses were only on windoze
Today chia is the ONLY XCH mining pool on earth, so all the hackers only have one place to attack, and then of course chia-network, not be capable of creating a pool interface spends all their resources to denigrate & harass HPOOL
I'm glad that HPOOL is cleansing its system of arse-holes, suits me fine, more XCH for me.