I like ur site and I was trying to do something similar with music and BTC and LTC... but not got any further than what i got here at the moment....
http://btc-music.com/ but my next thought would be to add links to say the latest clients for BTC and LTC....
Perhaps add something like the site like
http://skude.se/BTC/ has to give the user a chance to stay on ur site but visit the free BTC sites etc and collect BTC
Music related... perhaps add some info pages (artists tour dates etc, venues playing at etc.. this if done well enough could introduce a wider audience to your site as the place to check for up and coming raves/festivals/clubs/performances etc like on ... like here
Perhaps links or some kind of cool network thing with Reddit/imgur (NOT FACEBOOK..... but maybe Fuckbook??
oh and last thing i can think of now... add a post board for people to put up their favorite pictures of cats.... everyone loves cats
something like...
keep up the good work
and best of luck with ur website
If you want people to go to your site as well.... found the best place to advertise is the free BTC sites as well... the guy who runs Dragon's Tale MMO gets a LOT of people coming from the free BTC sites, so that can be worthwhile... but up to u. Hope this helps
I really appreciate the compliments and the suggestions!
I actually used to run something similar to what you are talking about called a traffic exchange at:
http://entretraffic.t15.orgThe site is mostly dead now, I have been trying to think of how to convert it to something similar for btc/ltc but I would need to start from the ground up as the majority of the code on the traffic exchange is scripted by a third-party.
Right now crypto-radio is just something that i threw together last night on a whim, but I have come to really like the page, I think it has a lot of potential and I would like to do something serious with it which is why I've added the 20 LTC drawing each week to draw more attention.
Eventually, I plan for crypto-radio to have multiple pages with music news and events in the viewer's local area and other similar features.
And it's funny that you mention the post-board because I was contemplating adding an html comment box at the bottom, now you have inspired me to go ahead and do so...
I will look into advertising on the free btc sites, but at the moment I am pretty poor, lol... Not to mention that for the moment all of my BTC is going to BitcoinINV and Puppet to pay back a loan they gave me for my gpu, but I will get there!!! LOL...
Thank you again for the kind words, I will be sure to let you know when the html comment box is up, lol...