i researched and the problem is it wants 2200W power but server PSU mostly are 1200W. they can be paralleled with some fault detection or any other solutions for safty. I found that parallelminer.com is selling this item for M3: https://www.parallelminer.com/product/whatsminer-m3-power-supply-2400w-110-240v-94-platinum. this item can be done DIY too without fancy PCB.(that's my goal).
but another problem is that the M3x PSU has 3 wires that called "hardwired". I researched again and find that 3 wires are GND, SCK, SDA.
so I think that is communication between PSU and control board that sends the serial number of PSU to the control board and is voltage adjustment communication too. (to lower the voltage at high hashrate).
the thing is servers PSU has Potentiometer to adj voltage. so is it possible to imitate that communication with Arduino that controls voltage adj pot on server PSU or any other data that control boards need?
P.S: buying replacement is not an option to me, because of my country.
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