Thanks for sharing this because it proves the difference between Israel and Hamas.
Israel as a terrorist organization has only targeted civilians (majority of which are women and children) over the past 15 months; while Hamas as a resistance group fighting the terrorists have only eliminated Israeli soldiers.
After the Zionist were defeated in the North by the Lebanese Resistance to the point where they had to beg for a cease fire there, now they had to beg for another ceasefire in the South all the while the hypersonic Yemeni missiles land and demolish their targets without any of the dozens of NATO ABMs being able to detect or intercept them.
You say that the victor is the one who achieves his goals. Israel entered the war to eliminate Hamas' capabilities and recover the hostages.
Wrong. They entered Gaza with the 5 objectives I posted in OP two of which were to completely destroy/eliminate the Resistance (not just HAMAS) and to recover their terrorist troops by force. They achieved none of it.
They also have not been capable of destroying the capabilities of the Resistance. You seem to have missed the fact that every day from day one of invasion of Gaza to today the Resistance has been eliminating Israeli terrorists, launching rockets at their positions in occupied lands, continue manufacturing weapons and ammunitions, training more troops to join the Resistance and fight the terrorists.
In fact according to the Israeli terrorists, the Resistance has been able to grow by 4000 new members (although it is higher than that in reality).
Not to mention that now because of all the bombs the terrorists used on Gaza that didn't go off, HAMAS has access to hundreds of times more explosives than 15 years ago. If you want to know more just watch the recent cries of the Israeli terrorists about "high explosives" that were used against their armors over the past couple of months (ie. the repurposed Zionist bombs used against them).
In other words not only the Resistance didn't get any weaker but instead it is far stronger now...
Now all the hostages will be recovered
One of the objectives of October 7 operations against the Israeli terrorists was to force them to release thousands of Palestinian hostages in their rape dungeons. These hostages are being recovered now... A great victory for Palestine.
and the leaders of Hamas were killed in the fighting
I suggest you read up on the ideology of the Resistance, Islam and the history of the Resistance. These leaders are not the first leaders of the Resistance that are martyred at the hands of the terrorists and they won't be the last. Each time the Israeli terrorists martyr a Resistance leader, the Resistance grows a lot bigger and much stronger.
Take the Islamic Resistance Movement or as it is known with its Arabic acronyms HAMAS. When Ahmad Yasin created this Resistance movement back in 1987, it was a tiny movement. More of a protesting group than a military force. The best weapon they had was stones! Yasin was martyred in 2004 by Israeli terrorists. A year after that and by 2005 this movement was so solid that it won the elections in Palestine and by 2007 majority of Palestinians voted for it so that it can take control of Gaza as its legitimate government.
The Israeli terrorists have been murdering the leaders of this Resistance ever since, but each time the Resistance has grown its military capabilities, its rockets/missile arsenal, its passive defense aka the underground tunnel system and with each leader they lost they got stronger.
Or the Lebanese Resistance, Hezbollah. Back in 1982 when Israeli terrorists had occupied most of Lebanon and were carrying out a genocide there, this Resistance group started its operation against the Zionist occupiers. Back when Abbas al-Musawi and others started this group, the best weapon they had was some handguns and were using Guerrilla Warfare against the occupiers.
By 1992 when the Israeli terrorists thought killing their leader would weaken them, they entered the political scene and gained 12 seats in the Parliament. The delusional terrorists thought Hezbollah is weakened to the point where the Zionist terrorists launched the largest attacks on Lebanon after 1980's with massive airstrikes and shelling. Hezbollah back then only had Katyusha rockets (that's a WW2 era rocket that lacks accuracy and is very weak) however they could defeat the Zionists in 7 days.
Skipping some history we can reach the iconic 33-day war in 2006. The Israeli terrorists have been assassinating Resistance leaders in the years leading to 2006 thinking this time the Resistance is so weak they can enter Lebanon and finish the occupation job they couldn't finish in the 1980's. They were pathetically defeated this time since by then Hezbollah had more rockets, had prepared for it, had some ballistic and anti-ship missiles, and most importantly they had
Almas that helped them turn South of Lebanon into a graveyard of Zionist armor for the first time.
Fast forward to 2023. Israeli terrorists have assassinated so many more Hezbollah leaders but today the Resistance in Lebanon has a massive arsenal of missiles, rockets, drones and passive defense aka underground facilities built into the mountains impossible to be destroyed or damaged. Today they own the largest missile and drone forces that half of NATO wishes they could have built.
and Gaza has become rubble and cut all support from iran via Syria and Hizbollah.
Gaza has been an open air prison for decades with all connection to the outside world has been cut. This is not new. The Israeli terrorists bomb Gaza annually and turn it into rubble. That also is not new.
Iran has been supporting the Palestinians in this open air prison for just as long and even during the past 15 months with 100% blockade, Iran has been sending them food and their needs.
For example this is a screenshot of the Israeli terrorist TV channel 11 from months ago during the complete blockade. Here this Zionist terrorists is basically begrudgingly explaining how their genocide/starvation of people of Gaza is not working the way they wanted to because Iran (namely the Iran's Red Crescent as they are also showing in the video) is still feeding them. The footage is also showing the Iranians cooking food inside Gaza:
If you think the Israeli terrorists with the help of entire NATO can prevent Iran from helping those who are in dire need of help, then you know nothing of the region or the history of the past 46 years
Not to mention that if by "support" you mean weapons, you know even less of the situation. Because Iran does not exactly give them weapons. They build everything themselves from their deadly Yasin 105 missiles (aka Merkava killers) to thermobaric bombs (high explosives I mentioned earlier) and anti personnel/armor bombs like Shawwaz (شواظ) that has destroyed the Zionist genocide machine.
Assuming that Hamas achieved any goal from this war, do those goals deserve this large number of losses? If this is a victory, then what is a defeat?
Well, while you insist to say this is a defeat for Gaza, the Israeli terrorists are insisting that this is a defeat for Israel and a great victory for Gaza. In fact they are saying that this was a bigger defeat for Israel compared to October 7 defeat.