Hi guys,
Here's my question:
a) they do not specify any soft cap
b) they specify the hard caps of 4 and 6 millions respectively
c) I am not sure that they will be able to reach these hard caps
d) If they fail to reach the hard caps, they will have to return the money to the investors, since it's the mechanics of the smart contracts that they use
I don't think a project can have two hard caps and no soft cap. One of those amounts, 4 and 6 million (you didn't specify the currency) would be the soft cap. And since by definition soft cap is the minimum amount needed to develop a project. Then it would be the lesser amount.
I am working with yet another team. They pay me me real good upfront cash for articles and liasoning. And I write good stuff. I asked them about the bounty and said that I don't have to worry about that, as they will distribute a good portion of tokens a couple of weeks after the ICO's gone live, since we are going to go long distance and already talking what we are going to do the next 2 years.
In this case, I'm sort of vested since I'm deep in cahoots - in the good meaning of this phrase - with the leadership, and if the ICO fails and I don't get a distribution, so be it. But the situation with the other two teams is totally different, since I'm not inside and I don't have any idea as to their inner workings.)
I believe the terms of a bounty or any UCO should be carefully outlined form the beginning to ensure transparency, so those who are not deep in cahoots with the team can understand clearly.