As a novice I just want to know little or more about Bitcoin and how it can help and add value to life,as a matter of fact I humble myself not to know anything,and am here to learn as a beginner.I believe that it will also impact my life in the later.
You are highly welcome op, just believe you have come to the right place especially when it turn to time of help about Bitcoin or cryptocurrency generally. Try to read those materials given to you and make sure you start from page one and don't try to jump any page and will so helpful and if don't understand any step don't be shine to ask questions, everybody is here to learn.
Know that you can't understand everything over a short period of time, so take your time and study it well so you can also be answering some few questions you understand in this forum and that will surely increases you knowledge about Bitcoin. Always try to do alot of research by also watching some YouTube tutorials.
I also started like you and I am very excited with my current journey because am here to provide more security to my Bitcoin and that is why I don't ask questions always but always follow this forum and actually see what people are saying about Bitcoin.