I was using Electrum to store my BTC offline because I deemed it to be safest. Its open source code was available for review for several years. Now, I have BCH as well because of the fork. It's suggested that I move the BCH into Electron Cash.
I just read that a Bitcoin Gold wallet was a scam and stole coins, so I want to make sure that I'm using a safe wallet.
Electroncash.org has a link that says:
The above link eventually leads to the
signature, which shows:
3cf91dcc7d86322ca87959aff7573ec4a87d7501 Electron-Cash-2.9.4-macosx.dmg
I downloaded the dmg file and ran the following in my Mac terminal:
$ shasum Electron-Cash-2.9.4-macosx.dmg
3cf91dcc7d86322ca87959aff7573ec4a87d7501 Electron-Cash-2.9.4-macosx.dmg
I got the expected return (3cf91dcc7d86322ca87959aff7573ec4a87d7501).
I ran the following in my Mac terminal:
$ codesign --display --deep --verbose=2 Electron-Cash-2.9.4-macosx.dmg && echo $?
Electron-Cash-2.9.4-macosx.dmg: code object is not signed at all
$ codesign --display --deep --verbose=2 "Electron-Cash-2.9.4-macosx.dmg" && echo $?
Electron-Cash-2.9.4-macosx.dmg: code object is not signed at all
What am I doing wrong?
When I open
Electron-Cash-2.9.4-macosx.dmg.sig, it shows
“View Raw”, which I click on. Then it downloads a file which has:
T 1¿,LˇSI ëŒÃˆTcfií,É2éi•¿„…,•HÏÀÿs‡MdGfl¡S%—Öm$G{Óœ˛6ëM%éiäå<*Ázâo∑bΩƒ
What am I supposed to do with this?
I understand that Electron Cash is a fork of Electrum. Ideally, I would like to see the changes made to the Electrum code, to ensure that no nefarious code is injected into Electron Cash. I understand that the commits are at
https://github.com/fyookball/electrum/commits/cash . However, the commits go back to 2016. I stopped scrolling at Oct 15, 2016. Is this a fork of Electrum? I thought Electron Cash was created in July-August of 2017.
Even if these are the commits, am I correct to assume that I would have to click on every commit (such as
this one), to review all of the changes?
Has anyone done this already? Has anyone audited this code?
After I have ensured that no nefarious code has been added, I’d like to compile the code from Github on my Mac. But I have no idea how to do this. Can anyone provide the steps?
From Electroncash.org, I downloaded
Electron-Cash-2.9.4.tar.gz, which is supposed to have the source code for the Mac. Isn't this risky? How can I ensure that this is not different from the source code on Github?
I read the README.rst and RELEASE-NOTES files from Electron-Cash-2.9.4.tar.gz, but I cannot understand it. Do I run the following in my Mac terminal?
Check out the code from Github:
git clone git://github.com/fyookball/electrum.git
cd electrum
Run install (this should install dependencies)::
python setup.py install
Compile the icons file for Qt::
sudo apt-get install pyqt4-dev-tools
pyrcc4 icons.qrc -o gui/qt/icons_rc.py
Compile the protobuf description file::
sudo apt-get install protobuf-compiler
protoc --proto_path=lib/ --python_out=lib/ lib/paymentrequest.proto
Mac OS X
python setup-release.py py2app
hdiutil create -fs HFS+ -volname "Electron-Cash" -srcfolder dist/Electron-Cash.app dist/electron-cash-VERSION-macosx.dmg