To give a different answer, think of it as a lego tiles, when you want to create an image, all you do is to add each block to the next one, but with the respective color as intended. Patience is the key into achieving the desired logos for signatures. If your looking for a shortcut, then there's non (AFAIK). You have to do it yourself and keep on previewing it and see if you get it right. Having a basic html knowledge would certainly help you into making good signatures together with the help of photoshop to choose the appropriate colors.
But thats not actually helping, you're just rehashing what other said. I need said ressource that let me build a sig by picking "blocks" and putting them together. A tool that allow me to do something like the Bit-x logo by picking shapes and lego blocking them together is what i need.
I just don't have to time to check 30 different ressource to see if one of them can do it.
To be clearer, i want to draw the EthOS logo; that, make the ressources available in my sig right now a bit more graphical, but really, just need the logo, to draw the eye.
Plain text is meh.