
Topic: How do you import a P2PK address into Bitcoin Core (Read 109 times)

Activity: 104
Merit: 120
Thank you very much.  I was unaware of the bitcoin core importing all address types associated with the private keys although I guess in hindsight it only makes senses.  Either way you feedback was much appreciated. 
Activity: 2982
Merit: 4193
I assume you're talking about P2PKH, not P2PK.

Go to Window>Console, and type in this:

importprivkey LPRIVATEKEY

If it is encrypted,
walletpassphrase PASSWORD 600

Core automatically generates (and imports) all 3 main address type (P2PKH, P2WPKH, P2SH-P2WPKH) during importing.
Activity: 104
Merit: 120
I know that importprivkey is the way to import keys, but how do you specify that the address format you want is P2PKH?  As far as I understand things, P2PKH is the only address format supported that you can sign messages with that has a standardized signature cross platform.
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