exstasie - That's CrAzy?!? That seems to be an essential part to me. Otherwise you need to spend your life in front of a computer waiting for your moment... no sleep.
I've been considering Bitfinex for a while.. mainly due to the higher volume than coinbase (The buy/sell spread is sometimes way too high on coinbase for my liking) But this OCO is the deal maker.
cheers for clearing this up.
I really can't believe coinbase haven't implemented this....
Is Bitfinex the only high volume exchange you know of that has the option of OCO?
As far as I know, Bitfinex and BitMEX are the only high-volume exchanges with manual OCO orders. If you're trading using an API, there are more options.
Using OCO orders is really intuitive on Bitfinex, less so on BitMEX. Here's how it works on BitMEX: https://www.reddit.com/r/BitMEX/comments/8hfpb0/how_to_set_an_oco_order/