Ok I think i should be able to help you a little...
Firstly Qt is just the User Interface used in bitcoin and altcoin clients.... all were first developed to run as just a daemon (the bitcoind file)
Secondly the Github contains the uncompiled source code (and sometimes the latest compiled versions for various Opperating Systems) if you are running linux you can make the daemons and Qt versions so that you know you have compiled from the original source code, it can be much much harder to compile the code under windows so ideally you will want to download a zip of the latest win32 binaries or your matching OS if 64 and offered.
Say you are on Windows;
You download the latest windows binaries for bitcoin as a zip file... when you unzip you will have two .exe files (Bitcoin-Qt and bitcoind) if this is the case then you are almost ready to setup solo mining
Start by running either the Qt or daemon instance of bitcoin.
Navigate to you Roaming folder (type %appdata% into your start>search or windows explorer)
Open the bitcoin folder and locate the bitcoin.conf file (if there is not a file there you will need to create one)
(example of bitcoin.conf file here
In order to solo mine you will need to change some settings in the conf file and you will need to point your mining software at the instance of bitcoind running.
Basically this means that the important lines in the conf file are (note remove # to uncomment the line)
Now all you have to do is point your miner at the host ip
Port: as in .conf file
username: as in .conf file
password: as in .conf file
and hey presto you are solo mining!!
What mining software you use?? mow much Hash rate u got?? as it is nice to test the solomining aspect on a chain that will not take months to find a block and see if it is working... if you use cgminer I can give you a step by step walkthrough of how to solomine BBQ coins where with 100Mhash on BTC network GFX card I can get a block every 10-20 mins on the BBQ network.
Hope this helps and pick your choice of coin for donations in the signature!!