I know "Brick n Mortar" casinos have special counseling and advisors on call for people with gambling addiction and they also apply some measures for the gamblers with gambling addiction to "ban" themselves.
How can online gambling sites deal with gambling addiction? The Brick n Mortar" gambling sites have a social responsibility and local licensing requirements than needs to be adhered to for them to operate in a specific country or town, so they cannot avoid doing this.
Please give your inputs and ideas on how this can be done with online gambling sites.
I think that most online gambling sites have this warning message and disclaimer about gambling and its effects to an individual. Mostly by just agreeing to their consent and agreement terms, a person could already participate in gambling as they believed they already adhered to it. Online gambling sites are mostly operated by businessmen who are inclined to profits alone and these types of problems stem from the decision of the person playing the game.
I don't know how sincere the gambling site's advisors in this matter. In the first place they must think of the benefit of their business and every gambler must be welcome as long as they give profit to the site, in the other hand, since they had agreed to this matter to give counseling to gambling addicts then they must do it contrary to their goal. Their goal is to make profit and not to save gamblers from addiction. This sounds irrelevant and insincere to me.
Like any other business no matter how humanistic or socially inclined they are, all of them are driven by profits. Their goal is to produce the highest profit margin and earn cash for their needs. What I learned in business school is that all business revolve around the word
I know someone personally who works in a energy/power corporation and there CEO often participates in social responsible events and host environmentalist projects. But all of those are purely for PR and media in order to look good on paper and on media.