After searching this "Speculation" section in the forum or googling words like "technical analyze", you may ask yourself how can we possibly predict the price?
So, I made this thread so answer some questions according to some basic rules we all know.
We are not sure about what's happening today after a few seconds in real life, now how can we make sure about the price in the market? Is this really possible? the short answer is no! we can never ever make sure about the price. Even the most experienced and talented trader can't. So what we do with the technical analyze?
For understanding the technical analyze and price action you will need to think deeply about it.
If you remember the logic lessons in the school you can maybe remember something called "cause and effect".
Imagine we do have two people call them A and B. A hits B hardly and the B will feel pain. Here the "pain" happens by "A". (So basic)
So, this will help us on the market. What makes the price moving up/down? buying and selling happening by trading(supply and demand). And what makes a trader to buy/sell? "Their mind".
So if you want to know the real acting of the price you will need to know about the other trader's mind and how they think.
We do have some method for it. For example, you may heard about the Fibonacci and the golden numbers school (Yeah sometimes even school is useful). Using the Fibonacci number we can understand about the moments of clouds on the sky and many other things. So, we can also use the Fibonacci in the market.
Also we all do believe in memory! Imagine you walk on the same street everyday for a week and every time you stop for buying an icecream from a particular store. Now after a few months you walk to the street accidentally, You may "stop" and "buy an icecream" or you may "stop", at last you will keep walking and look on the store in the memory of a few months ago.
The market will also remember some prices(spots) and react the the spots.
As you can see everything is logic. I made this topic for some people who call traders "predictors", "Gamblers" or even "Autistic". Yes, the life is a gamble and price action is science of autistic for many people when they don't/won't understand it.
Your opinion is very unique in which we can also use in our future prediction but the rate of success are not that high because you have said already that there is no 100% success rate in predicting the market. The market is very unpredictable and very volatile, it can easily go down and it can rise in just a short period of time if the demand will skyrocket.
Cause and effect can be use only in stock market though it can be use it here but it is not that useful because big whales can easily turn the tide of the market if they like to. So our best aces if we like to follow the market is to monitor it closely like daily if you have time to do it. But if in the future, the demand will just grow that much in which the big whales can't easily dictate the market then using the cause and effect is very effective in predicting the market.