What has been your experience in the domain selling business?
Please check out my domains also https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.7927455
I don't think a lot of people like domain squatters they purchase a certain name in bulk and try to sell it for more than it's worth but someone might want that name for a actual project its actually really irritating.
that's their business model. but most names are never sold... they simply squat on the domains... and maybe sell a few of them which makes up for the rest. they just have to make a little more on the good names than the annual fees for the bad names... occasionally let go of names for cheaper than what they paid if there is no interest in several years.
OP, I took a look at your domain names, honestly none of them are very desirable.
Dam, I've been hoping to get my hands on a name like bitcoinwallets.com which sold for like 200,000. I nearly got my hands on bitcoin.exchange but mt.gox have the trademark rights to the term "bitcoin" so was unsuccessful
So the only way to make these domains worth anything is to build a site that generates a lot of traffic?
Yes, but then you're selling the site, not just the domain obviously.
If you want to buy and sell domain only, you have to probably invest thousands into a name that's actually good... and hold it for years and hope you can sell it for more.