Hi, the scammer deleted his thread, so I make a new one.
Yesterday the user biznsher
https://bitcointalksearch.org/user/biznsher-2679005 offered here in this marketplace to exchange huge amounts of xrp, he wanted btc and proposed an extraordinaire good rate and even going first.
So I contacted him on telegram (user @Bit2Money)
In telegram he insisted in using escrow localbitcoins or localethereum and refused forumescrow.
So I created a tradeoffer a localethereum at the rate of 790xrp/eth.
His username at localethereum is also "biznsher".
As my max for the first trade was 5.8 ETH, he agreed on telegram to send even more, exactly 5007XRP what is a very good rate.
So i funded escrow there and he wrote on localethereum, that he sends 5,007 XRP.
You notice, that looks very similar to 5.007xrp , but is 1000 times less.
I didnt notice that.
Then he sent to my wallet and pressed for immideate release ETH from escrow.
I noticed 5.007 XRP coming in.
Just his rush made me look twice...wow, I almost released all ETH for 5,007XRP....
This bastard would have made 1000Euros!
At least he cancelled the trade at localethereum.
Afterwards he deleted his offer and now the whole thread.
So guys, take care, here at Bitcointalk/Economy/Marketplace are almost only scammers trying their luck.
But this scam was really new to me....
Well this is like the "customary"/metric thing, the world is such a funny place with people not adhering to the same standard...
It is true that there are many countries where the decimals is denoted with a , not a . I usually avoid using the cosmetic ones people sometimes use on every 3 digits (ie 1,000.00, i would just write 1000.00 or 1000). There is a recommendation that, if absolutely needed, people should use a space instead, such as: 1 000.00.
Do remember NASA messed up once a probe because of the metric/customary (ie. imperial) units thing. And if it happens to them...
This is one more reason to get rid of decimals, and the dreary mBTC unit. Japan is smart, they don't use cents at all. And of course many countries where their local fiats are above 100 per USD don't need to bother.
More absurd/incredible standard is different things i can imagine in the 21ist century: Electricity... Yeah, once upon a time it was even more varied, but the Euro zone at least converged into 230v, there was a time were many of those countries each used a slightly more or less (ie. 220v or 240v). But in any case several countries still use a range, essentially an US/EU split (115v/230v) with a myriad of plugs too. Oh and sheet paper size, you would thing the entire world used A4? Wrong, like the "customary units", America and a few other countries including mine, use their own sizes.
Anyway good call, i have seen it before in localbitcoins, laughing it off and not falling for it, but wondering whose poor victims would...
My country uses , for decimals, metric for measure, american paper sheet sizes and american electricity rules from the 60ies or so, ie. no ground pole, and "Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter" sockets is for wimp (or rich) americans. We here have our power plug next to the running water, you can literally open the faucet with one hand and plug your electric shaver with the other at the same time, in the (obviously) un-grounded socket.
Remember kids, in this country the electrical code won't save you as it does in yours... No hand holding!.